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I’m Saidah. Welcome to my personal website.

My mission is to promote financial inclusion through Bitcoin projects and education.

With a background in oil & gas, start-ups, and diversity and inclusion consulting, my experience has led me to the understanding that BITCOIN IS the answer to many of the social and environmental issues we face today:

  • Bitcoin mining - Proof-of-Work - utilises stranded, wasted or renewable energy sources.

  • Bitcoin is decentralised and permission-less with low entry barriers, thus fostering financial inclusion globally.

  • Bitcoin adoption is still low (approx. 2% globally), which creates opportunities for entrepreneurs and start-ups.

My Bitcoin journey started in 2017. Like many, I did not immediately understand or appreciate the social and economic benefits of proof-of-work. Hearing claims like: fix the money, fix the world; Bitcoin fixes this; or Bitcoin can’t be racist made me wonder how a software protocol could magically solve the world’s problems.

Down the rabbit hole I fell…

Formally, I completed the following courses:

  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies (edX, University of California Berkley)

  • Bitcoin for Everyone (Saylor Academy)

But… Since Bitcoin serves as an important tool to coordinate human activities in the real world, I have spent countless hours experimenting with transactions (onchain & lightning), setting up different types of wallets and a node, and interviewing Bitcoin business owners and plebs. My podcast - Foster Inclusion - has morphed into a Bitcoin podcast. After all, Bitcoin transcends race, gender, language, religion and any other characteristic that may be used to divide us. Facilitating trade across borders, Bitcoin is a technology that fosters inclusion.

I am dedicating my skills, industry experience, education and connections to advance Bitcoin adoption.

Check out my Bitcoin Resources page to see the books, websites, podcasts, and other resources that have helped me along my journey.

More background info:

  • Dual Swiss & Canadian citizen

  • BA (York University, Toronto, Canada)

  • MBA (IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland)

  • Certificate of Diversity & Inclusion (Cornell, New York, United States of America).

Buying coffee with bitcoin (Satoshis) in El Salvador using the Lightning Network.

(The fiat price was roughly $1 USD)

Get in touch!

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